01.07.2024 14:15 Michael Kupper (University of Konstanz):
Discrete approximation of risk-based pricing under volatility uncertaintyB 349 (Theresienstr. 39, 80333 München)

We discuss the limit of risk-based prices of European contingent claims in discrete-time financial markets under volatility uncertainty when the number of intermediate trading periods goes to infinity. The limiting dynamics are obtained using recently developed results for the construction of strongly continuous convex monotone semigroups. We connect the resulting dynamics to the semigroups associated to G-Brownian motion, showing in particular that the worst-case bounds always give rise to a larger bid-ask spread than the risk-based bounds. Moreover, the worst-case bounds are achieved as limit of the risk-based bounds as the agent’s risk aversion tends to infinity. The talk is based on joint work with Jonas Blessing and Alessandro Sgarabottolo.