03.06.2024 15:00 Jonas Tölle:
Stability and moment estimates for nonlinear SPDEs with singular diffusivityMI 03.06.011 (Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching)

In this talk, we shall discuss long time behavior of solutions to parabolic stochastic partial differential equations with singular nonlinear divergence-type diffusivity. As these kinds of equations usually lack good coercivity estimates in higher spatial dimensions, we choose to address the general well-posedness question by variational weak energy methods. Examples include the stochastic singular $p$-Laplace equation, and the stochastic curve shortening flow with additive Gaussian noise. We shall present improved pathwise regularity results and improved moment and decay estimates for a general class of singular divergence-type PDEs.

Based on joint works with Benjamin Gess (Leipzig and Bielefeld), Wei Liu (Xuzhou), Florian Seib (Berlin), and Wilhelm Stannat (Berlin).